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free essay on "Islam and Terrorism"

                     Islam and Terrorism The Basic and simple definition of terrorism is: Terrorism is an activity which causes terror, and the person who causes this activity is called terrorist. The moment a robber sees a policeman he is terrified. So a policeman is a terrorist for the robber. In this context every Muslim should be a terrorist.

Notes,Tutorials,Tricks,Formulas,Faisalbad board,Multan board,Lahore board: Essays for Sudents .: Meiosis in Urdu and English with Diagramme

Notes,Tutorials,Tricks,Formulas,Faisalbad board,Multan board,Lahore board: Essays for Sudents .: Meiosis in Urdu and English with Diagramme : "Meiosis is a process to convert a diploid cell to a haploid gamete, and cause a change in the genetic information to increase diversity in ..."

Co - Education In Islam

Co - Education In Islam “There is a well-known principle in Islamic law, which may be rendered in translation as "blocking the means (of evils)." This applies to any situation or condition which may be permissible in the first instance, but is calculated to lead to something forbidden. If it is generally deemed that there is a direct relationship between the original, permissible situation and the resulting forbidden one, then the original situation is pronounced as forbidden.  

Drug addiction in Pakistan

Drug addiction in Pakistan The issue of drug addiction is often overshadowed by the many of the country's other human development problems, such as poverty, illiteracy and lack of basic health care. But the fact is, drug abuse is rapidly growing in Pakistan and in South Asia in general.It wasn't always this way. Pakistan became a major exporter of heroin in the 1980s, following the influx of Afghan refugees escaping the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979.

How to Dry Mobile Phone if Droped in Water

Oh! Shit My Cell Phone Dropped in Water. What can I Do? Many of you get your mobile phone wet by one way or another. You worry as you mistakenly drop your mobile phone in water. It can also get wet if you are out in a heavy rain.  However, there is no need to panic. It is possible to save your wet mobile phone by quickly repairing it. In order to save your mobile phone from water damage, you can consider these easy and simple solutions:

M.s Word Trick

How to make Greeting Cards How to make Greeting Cards with Word 2007? You can make homemade cards for your friends and family on any occasion if you don't get time to buy cards from the shop. You can make greeting cards with Word 2007.


Price Hike In Pakistan, INFLATION in Pakistan, rising Prices In Pakistan There is general price hike in Pakistan but price increase in some sectors is more phenomenal. According to media reports inflation rate in Pakistan has reached to 30 percent. Wheat, sugar, tea, eggs, poultry, dry milk including, important medicines and electricity are among most effected items.  

Energy Crises in Pakistan Essays for Metric+F.A Students of Faisalabad Board: Essays for Metric+F.A Students of Faisalabad Board...

Energy Crises in Pakistan    (words 339)                  Energy is considered to be life line for the development of any country. Energy is important in running machinery in factories and industrial units, for lighting our cities and powering our vehicles etc.   There has been an enormous increase in the demand of energy as a result of industrial development and population growth, in comparison to enhancement in energy production. Supply of energy is, therefore, far less than the actual demand, resultantly crisis has emerged. Pakistan ’s energy infrastructure is not well developed, rather it is considered to be underdeveloped and poorly managed.

Summer Holidays Or How I Spent My Last Holidays

Summer Holidays Or   How I Spent My Last Holidays     Words(268) I will always remember my last holidays. They were my longest holidays, and I think that I learnt how to spend the time. I enjoyed a lot with my friends, my family, and I met new people too, because I was in different places during the summer, and I wanted to meet people everywhere. The first place I visited was Karachi town, because I was invited for some days by a cousin who has a house there.

My Best Friend essay Metric +F.A +F.Sc Students Fsd board

          My Best Friend                               Words (255) “Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never ever the same” Almost everyone has one, and almost everyone is one. There’s something about a best friend that cannot be duplicated. Everyone has their own definition of what their own best friend is like and what an impact he or she has made in their life. A best friend is a title held for the few and not just anyone can be called your best friend. Being a best friend is more than so you’ve seen everyday and grown up with. My best friend is someone I have known since my childhood. Our friendship goes back to the time when I was ten years old. His name is Arshad, and he lives a couple of streets from my house. We have a lot in common, and w...

My Last Day at College(School) Metric +F.A +F.Sc Students Fsd board

   My Last Day at College      (words 320) The memories never left us until the end of ourselves as some one said,” Memories never die”. The last day in the college before our final exams is still fresh in my mind as film. A day in   the month   of March was my last day in the college. That day we attended . Our classes for the last time. It was a bright sunny day.

A Road Accident essay for F.A+Fsc+Metric Students

A Road Accident           Words(323) Mostly accidents occur due to negligence or unawareness of traffic rules and signs on the roads. The drivers especially in our country don’t have typical special training mostly they are illiterate and cant understand and follow the signs of the road. The other thing is that most of the driver are addicts of drugs and they use it during there drive and causes serious kind of accidents on roads.  The road in front of my school is a narrow one. It is also very busy. Every afternoon when school is dismissed the road becomes almost impassable due to children, bicycles, cars and buses.   Sometimes a policeman is there to help things out, but generally we have to depend on ourselves to avoid accidents. A few accidents had already occurred. I was a witness to one. If happened just after school. As usual the road was over crowded. Children were running across the road to get to their cars and buses. Just the...

My Aim in Life for Metric +F.A +F.Sc Students Fsd board

My Aim In Life          (Words 270) A person without any aim in life is like a rudderless ship. He has no destination in sight. He does not know in which direction to move. Every person should have an aim in life. And should work for it. The ambition should not remain just a resolution or a dream that has not come true. The nature of ambition varies from person to person depending on family background, upbringing, social position, economic conditions and environment. Some people’s aim is to gain wealth anyhow. They may do business. Money is not everything in life. My aim is to become a teacher. There are good reasons for it. First, around 50 per cent of people are illiterate. They are deep in ignorance. When I become a teacher. I will be able to remove this to some extent. Second, though there is not much money in the profession it is called a noble profession. Students and parents respect teachers. I will follow simple living and high thinking. Third...

My First Day At School for Metric +F.A +F.Sc Students

My First Day At School            Words    (247) A school is a place of learning and acquiring knowledge for a child. It is here that We get our basic training. Here we   joins   new place, comes in contact with those whome we don’t know. They are all of different temperaments and forms new ideas and habits. It is here that We   prepare ourselves for the struggle of life. So the right type of education at school(college)   is a must for us. I was hardly five when admitted to a school. It was a primary school. It was a government school. The memory of my first day is still fresh in my mind. It was a small school with eight rooms. There were ten teachers. The headmaster's office was separate. The school had a compound with a grassy lawn and flower   beds. My father took me to the headmaster's office and got me admitted in the school. My class teacher was very gentle. He encouraged me and treated me kindly. I ...

A Morning Walk for F.A+Fsc+Metric Students

     A Morning Walk                         (250Words) Walking stretches your mind and your soul. It is dynamic mind & body process which creates a sense of rhythm. As you listen to your own silent rhythm, the pulse of life, your own heartbeat - you become whole, a complete man - fit in Mind, Body and Soul.  

Essay on Television Addiction for F.A+Metric Students

TV Addiction              Words (306) Watching television is an experience shared by most adults and children. It is cheap, appealing, and within the reach of the general public. In this way, TV has become an important mass media around the world. Sadly, this resource isn’t used in a way that people could get the best possible benefits from it. The first reason why people shouldn’t watch too much television is because the content of many TV programs is not educational. Nowadays, we can see movies, series, and shows that present scenes of violence, sex, and drugs. This has established wrong concepts among the audience that influence them into having a negative behavior. The second reason why people shouldn’t watch too much television is because it makes people waste time that could be used in more beneficial activities. The time we spend watching TV could be applied to useful activities like exercise, reading, interacting with frien...